We’re so glad you found us! We are an active, lively and developing Christian church, at the heart of Cornwall, committed to deepening our relationship with God and sharing His love with others.
One church on two sites, ‘Truro with Tresillian’ combines the strengths of both urban and village settings and seeks to make the most of every opportunity that this brings. We strive to offer the welcoming, forgiving and empowering love of Jesus Christ to all that we encounter.
The impetus for our outreach and service flows from our own experience of God’s love encountered in Jesus and expressed, too, in the fellowship we share. Underpinning all that we do is our programme of worship, study and prayer, by which we find the inspiration and energy to work with God in Kingdom building.
Mission Statement
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. Truro (with Tresillian) Methodist Church, takes its place within the family of Methodist people and seeks to fulfil this calling within and beyond our city, circuit, county and national boundaries, within and beyond our traditional patterns of Church; within and beyond our Methodist tradition and heritage: in the physical and in the online world. We are committed to working in partnership with others, wherever and whenever possible, for the growth of God’s Kingdom and the expression of God’s love.
We seek to express our calling in the following waysThrough WORSHIP: we believe that the Church exists to increase awareness of God’s presence and to celebrate God’s love.

Through LEARNING AND CARING: we believe that the Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care
Through SERVICE: we believe that the Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice
Through EVANGELISM: we believe that the Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.
We will prioritise the use of our finite resources in such ways as to encourage and enable us to further our calling as part of the church of Jesus Christ.

At Truro Methodist Church, we take our praise and worship seriously – but that doesn’t mean that we’re dull or that we ‘do it the way it’s always been done’! It does mean that we try and remember what we are doing when we worship: we are meeting the Living God and we expect to be transformed by that encounter.
So, whether our worship takes the form of a traditional service, with hymns and sermon and choirs, or whether the form is free and the music is band-led, we want to bring our best to God.